Patricia Otto
Patricia Otto


patricia otto's bio

patricia otto

Growing up in New Jersey, Patricia Otto loved to write her own endings for books and movies.  Her passion for words and the need to be heard seemed to make a writing career all but mandatory.  But practicality prevailed and after high school, she went to nursing school, eventually ending up the operating room of a large trauma hospital in Richmond, Virginia, where she met her husband.  They moved to upstate New York where she put her husband through PA school and where they stayed to raise their son and daughter. Patricia left nursing to be a fulltime mom. In her spare time, she rekindled her love of words and with her family support and love she began to write.

She and her husband still live in the north east. Both children are grown and married so Patricia spends most of her time writing but has occasion to work at a friend's candy store. "I write about love and sell chocolate is life great or what?"